Conhecemo-nos pessoalmente algures em Novembro de dois mil de doze, num sofá castanho com aspecto reciclado, no Starbucks dos restauradores e prosseguiram-se cento e oitenta minutos de conversa sobre os nossos curly hairs. Na altura as dúvidas entrelaçavam-se como nós. “Big Chop? Não tenho coragem para...Ok, sempre podemos cortar as pontas. Ah sim, sim..”. Falámos de cortes, texturas, formas...falámos sobre mil e um acontecimentos que os nossos caracóis, curly hair, encaracolados e todos os nomes que quiserem chamar aos nossos zig zag em forma de S.. 
Falámos tanto que mal chegámos a casa, falámos um pouco mais. E assim os dias passaram, meses e a ideia de partilharmos o que de melhor sabíamos e que temos para aprender, finalmente chegara a bom porto. 

Guurlrs, your time has come! 
Please, join our club and be natural, embrace your curls and most of all, be you! 

 We met in person somewhere in  November, two thousand and twelve, on a brown  looking recycled couch at Starbucks in the restauradores and went up one hundred and eighty minutes of conversation about our curly hairs. At the time the doubts intertwined like us. "Big Chop? I do not have the courage to ... Guurlrs, your time has come!
Okay, we can always cut off the ends. Oh yes, yes .. ". We talked about cuts, textures, shapes ... we talked about a thousand and one events that our curls, curly hair, curly and all the names you want to call our zig zag shaped S..

We talked so much  that  barely we got home, we talked a little more. And so the days passed, months and the idea of sharing the best of what we knew and what we have to learn, finally come to a good end.

Guurlrs, your time has come! 
Please, join our club and be natural, embrace your curls and most of all, be you!

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