de quando vos contámos que na altura em que tínhamos o cabelo lindo, esticado,
quase a roçar o chão, usávamos um serúm qualquer para proteger do calor a que o
cabelo era submetido, durante os longos minutos em que o queimávamos?! Pois, esse
devia ser o único momento em que nos lembrávamos de fazer alguma coisa pela
saúde dos nossos fios...
perguntaram-nos no Tumblr se tínhamos algumas dicas para ajudar quem sofre
deste problema e a resposta foi positiva e conseguimos ajudar o nosso seguidor
Anon. Tal como o fizemos no Tumblr, também o faremos aqui.
Remember when we told you that at the time we had lovely hair, stretched, almost brushing the floor, we used any serum to protect the heat that the hair was submitted, during the long minutes in which was being burned?! Well, this should be the only time we remembered we do something for the health of our hair ...
Today, we were asked if we had on Tumblr a few tips to help those who suffer from this problem and the response to that was positive and we help our follower Anon. As we did on Tumblr, we will also do it here.
Remember when we told you that at the time we had lovely hair, stretched, almost brushing the floor, we used any serum to protect the heat that the hair was submitted, during the long minutes in which was being burned?! Well, this should be the only time we remembered we do something for the health of our hair ...
Today, we were asked if we had on Tumblr a few tips to help those who suffer from this problem and the response to that was positive and we help our follower Anon. As we did on Tumblr, we will also do it here.
Como é
que posso ver a danificação do meu cabelo? Não existem truques até porque
quando o nosso cabelo não está bem, nós reparamos imediatamente, e neste caso
os danos são bem visíveis. Desde as pontas espigadas, cabelo áspero/seco e para
quem tem tendência para ter o cabelo ondulado/encaracolado, sempre que o cabelo
estiver molhado e os fios deixarem de retornar ao seu estado natural, este
torna-se num pré aviso de que algo está mal!
How can I see the damage in my hair? There are no tricks, because when our hair is not right, we fix it immediately, in which case the damage is clearly visible. Since the split ends, rough hair / dry and who tend to have wavy / curly hair when it is wet and the curls fail to return to its natural state, this becomes a pre warning that something is not right!
How can I see the damage in my hair? There are no tricks, because when our hair is not right, we fix it immediately, in which case the damage is clearly visible. Since the split ends, rough hair / dry and who tend to have wavy / curly hair when it is wet and the curls fail to return to its natural state, this becomes a pre warning that something is not right!
Yeah, yeah, yeah...fiz o estrago e acham
que agora consigo reparar sem ter que cortar a parte danificada, meninas?! Claro,
que sim! Esse será o último recurso, mas até chegarmos aos mesmo, existem
outros que devem ser feitos por vós.
Yeah, yeah, yeah ... I did the damage and now do you think I can fix it without having to cut the damaged part, girls?! Of course, yes! This will be the last resort, but until we get to it, there are others ways that should be made by you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah ... I did the damage and now do you think I can fix it without having to cut the damaged part, girls?! Of course, yes! This will be the last resort, but until we get to it, there are others ways that should be made by you.
migas, soluções! Guurrlll, chill yourself out!
Solutions, my friends, solutions! Guurrlll, chill yourself out!
Como é
que podes resolver o estrago?!
How can you fix the damage?!
How can you fix the damage?!
- Máscara
de hidratação durante 20 min e para que o efeito seja imediatamente visível,
podem envolver o vosso cabelo num toalha quente!
- Hydration Mask for 20 min and the effect is immediately visible, you can wrap your hair in a warm towel!
- Hydration Mask for 20 min and the effect is immediately visible, you can wrap your hair in a warm towel!
- O
vosso cabelo também o que vocês comem, sabiam?! Se passarem a vida no KFC, o
vosso cabelo vai parecer mais oleoso que uma batata frita (brincadeira...quer
dizer, não sabemos. Não costumamos frequentar o espaço). O vosso cabelo precisa
de proteína, daí existirem dezenas de mézinhas que incluem o mesmo! PASSEM a
comer mais fruta, peixe, legumes, etc. Basicamente passem a ter uma alimentação
- Your hair is also what you eat, you know?! If you pass your lives in KFC, your hair will look more oily than fried potatoes (kidding. .. I mean, we do not know. Usually we do not attend the space). Your hair needs protein, hence there exist dozens of potions that include the same! START eating more fruit, fish, vegetables, etc.. Basically start to have a healthy diet!
- Your hair is also what you eat, you know?! If you pass your lives in KFC, your hair will look more oily than fried potatoes (kidding. .. I mean, we do not know. Usually we do not attend the space). Your hair needs protein, hence there exist dozens of potions that include the same! START eating more fruit, fish, vegetables, etc.. Basically start to have a healthy diet!
Tentem não deixar o cabelo o máximo de tempo seco, ou seja, usem um pequeno
spray com água (já sabem que podem add algum óleo se quiserem)para manterem o
cabelo hidrata durante o dia a dia.
- Try not to let your hair dry as much time, or use a small spray bottle of water (you know you can add some oil if you wish) to keep hair hydrated during day by day.
- Try not to let your hair dry as much time, or use a small spray bottle of water (you know you can add some oil if you wish) to keep hair hydrated during day by day.
- Na
noite anterior ao vosso wash and go ou co-wash, podem preparar uma mistura de
óleos quentes aka hot oil treatment(azeite, oleo de côco, amêndoa doce, etc.):
aquecem no microondas a mistura dos óleos que vocês quiserem + dividam o cabelo
em 4 e distribuam pelo mesmo. Não se esqueçam das pontas!!
- The night before your wash and go or co-wash, you can prepare a mixture of warm oils aka hot oil treatment (olive oil, coconut oil, sweet almond, etc..): Heat in the microwave the mixture of oils you want plus divide the hair into four parts and distribute through the entire hair. Do not forget the ends!
- The night before your wash and go or co-wash, you can prepare a mixture of warm oils aka hot oil treatment (olive oil, coconut oil, sweet almond, etc..): Heat in the microwave the mixture of oils you want plus divide the hair into four parts and distribute through the entire hair. Do not forget the ends!
- Não
se esqueçam de usar leave in, o mesmo ajudar a reter a humidade.
- Do not forget to use leave in, the same helps retain moisture.
- Do not forget to use leave in, the same helps retain moisture.
- Procurem condicionadores que contenham os seguintes ingredientes: silicone,
óleos minerais e pantenol.
- Look for conditioners that contain the following ingredients: silicone, mineral oils and panthenol.
- Look for conditioners that contain the following ingredients: silicone, mineral oils and panthenol.
se seguirem os passos indicados anteriormente, os raios solares do vossos fios
maravilhosos voltam a sorrir! Fiquem longe dos secadores e dos difusores...
Basically if you follow the steps above, the rays of your wonderful curly hair will smile again! Stay away from dryers and diffusers...
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