O fim de semana está aí e Sábado é dia de tomar contar do curly hair... Há quem passe o dia inteiro com a mão na peruca, mas nós não temos tempo para isso! Apostamos em receitinhas que façam milagres e que nos poupem dinheiro e tempo.
Vocês podem chamar-nos de loucas, doidas varridas, qualquer coisa que nos insulte de uma forma harmónica, mas uma coisa é certa, assim que fizerem o que nós fizemos, vão agradecer-nos de pés juntos. "E o que é que vocês andaram a fazer, meninas? Suas loucas..."HOLD ON a minute, what?? Nós sabemos que está calor, aliás muito calor e que vos apetece comer aquelas comidinhas super hiper mega calóricas, cheias de ketchup e maionese. Esqueçam!! A próxima vez que vocês olharem para um frasco de maionese, pensem "aquelas gajas disseram que podemos meter isto no cabelo... Niggas going crazy and sh&#" Hold on again... vamos ensinar-te os passos todos. Esta receitinha (nós hoje estamos um pouco parvas...desculpem-nos o uso destes diminutivos) tem o poder de deixar os nossos cabelos, independentemente de serem "encaracolados" ou não, super macios e cheios de brilho.
The weekend is here and Saturday is the day to take after the curly hair ... Some people spend all day with the hand on the wig, but we do not have time for this! We believe in miracles and little recipes that make us spare money and time.
You can call us crazy, whatever, insult us in a harmonic way, but one thing is for sure, once you do what we did,you will thank us. "And what have you been doing, girls? It's crazy..."HOLD ON a minute, what? We know it's hot, very hot indeed, and that you feel like eating those tidbits super hyper mega calories, full of ketchup and mayonnaise. Forget! The next time you look for a jar of mayonnaise, think "those chicks said they can put it in your hair ... Niggas going crazy and sh & #" Hold on again... we will teach you all the steps. This recipe (we're a bit silly now... excuse us for the use of these diminutives) has the power to let our hair, whether "curly" or not, super soft and full of shine.
The weekend is here and Saturday is the day to take after the curly hair ... Some people spend all day with the hand on the wig, but we do not have time for this! We believe in miracles and little recipes that make us spare money and time.
You can call us crazy, whatever, insult us in a harmonic way, but one thing is for sure, once you do what we did,you will thank us. "And what have you been doing, girls? It's crazy..."HOLD ON a minute, what? We know it's hot, very hot indeed, and that you feel like eating those tidbits super hyper mega calories, full of ketchup and mayonnaise. Forget! The next time you look for a jar of mayonnaise, think "those chicks said they can put it in your hair ... Niggas going crazy and sh & #" Hold on again... we will teach you all the steps. This recipe (we're a bit silly now... excuse us for the use of these diminutives) has the power to let our hair, whether "curly" or not, super soft and full of shine.
Primeiro - vocês têm que ter um frasco de maionese em casa ou então façam vocês próprios a maionese dos vossos sonhos (existem milhares de receitas espalhadas por aí) e adicionem algumas gotas do vosso óleo preferido - azeite virgem, óleo de côco, óleo de jojoba, etc. Mexam tudo muito bem et voilà, está pronto. Sim, é mesmo só isto! Ou então não...
First - you have to have a jar of mayonnaise at home or else do your own mayonnaise of your dreams (there are thousands of recipes lying around) and add a few drops of your favorite oil - virgin olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.. Mix it all very well et voilà, you're ready. Yes, it is just that! Or not ...
First - you have to have a jar of mayonnaise at home or else do your own mayonnaise of your dreams (there are thousands of recipes lying around) and add a few drops of your favorite oil - virgin olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.. Mix it all very well et voilà, you're ready. Yes, it is just that! Or not ...
Segundo - Antes de colocarem esta mistura nos vossos cabelos, tenham em atenção que os mesmos devem estar molhados. Quem quiser pode lavar com shampoo antes ou dispensar o uso de shampoo. Cabe a vocês escolherem como querem fazer. Deixem durante meia hora e retirem muito bem com água fria. Tá calor, por isso vocês não se vão queixar assim tanto.
Second - Before placing this mixture in your hair, be careful because your hair should be wet. Anyone can wash with shampoo before using or skip shampoo. It is up to you to choose how you want to do. Leave for half an hour and remove with cold water. It is very hot outside, so you will not complain that much.
PLUS - Quem quiser também pode fazer desta forma = Mel + Maionese + Condicionador + Óleo de preferência ou fazer simplesmente Maionese + Um abacate, triturem e done!
PLUS - Who wants can also do it this way = Honey + Mayonnaise + Conditioner + Oil of preference or simply make mayonnaise + avocado, grind, and done!
PLUS - Who wants can also do it this way = Honey + Mayonnaise + Conditioner + Oil of preference or simply make mayonnaise + avocado, grind, and done!
Existem mil e uma maneiras de fazerem estas receitinhas...hoje já demos 3, look how cool we are :)
There are a thousand and one ways to make these recipes ... today we have 3, look how cool we are :)
There are a thousand and one ways to make these recipes ... today we have 3, look how cool we are :)
Photos by Josh Faria
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